Pebblework July 2016 — Dec 2016
Android Developer
Pebblework July 2016 — Dec 2016
Android Developer
Developed the app , "Pebblework" on Android Platform ( Pebblework is an android
app which connects the employers with the right job seekers )
Designed and developed the backend of the app using Firebase
Handled technical issues related with the app
Experience related with the app updates on Google Play Managed the app analytics data using firebase analytics dashboard
Backwater Technologies Pvt.Ltd (Chillr App) Dec 2016 — Sept 2017
Android Developer
Worked in multilingual implementations in the app.
Worked as part of some design revamps in various components in the app Worked with deeplinking for some components in the app
Worked in assocation with upi, imps payment integrations
Worked with webview,fcm
Worked with lottie(airbnb) animations
Worked with analytics dashboard and managing realtime crashes(used tools like amplitude, crashlytics etc).
Worked with git
Designed and developed the backend of the app using Firebase
Handled technical issues related with the app
Experience related with the app updates on Google Play Managed the app analytics data using firebase analytics dashboard
Backwater Technologies Pvt.Ltd (Chillr App) Dec 2016 — Sept 2017
Android Developer
Worked in multilingual implementations in the app.
Worked as part of some design revamps in various components in the app Worked with deeplinking for some components in the app
Worked in assocation with upi, imps payment integrations
Worked with webview,fcm
Worked with lottie(airbnb) animations
Worked with analytics dashboard and managing realtime crashes(used tools like amplitude, crashlytics etc).
Worked with git
Rarkom Solutions LLP Oct 2017 — Present
Android Developer
Android Developer
Developed e-commerce, seat booking applications in android
Performed various payment gateway sdk integrations like paypal(for android,ios) created apps with multilingual support
Worked with view model architecture in android
Gained some backend knowledge as well(php using laravel).
Implemented payment gateway using php
Gained brief experience in ios using swift(created a seat booking application)
Performed various payment gateway sdk integrations like paypal(for android,ios) created apps with multilingual support
Worked with view model architecture in android
Gained some backend knowledge as well(php using laravel).
Implemented payment gateway using php
Gained brief experience in ios using swift(created a seat booking application)
Native Android Development
Working experience with analytics and crash reporting tools like crashlytics, amplitude
Working experience with payment gateway integrations like paypal
Generating revenue using google admob
Experience working with git
Android Development Life Cycle
Worked with mvp, viewmodel architecture, live data
Worked with firebase database for android Worked with material design libraries, retrofit
Backend Knowledge with php,mysql
C/C++, Java,php,MySQL,Firebase Android SDK, Linux OS, Eclipse IDE, XML, JSON, Android Studio
Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, Mac OS
Tools and Technologies: Android SDK, Android Studio, Eclipse
Languages: Java, JavaScript, C/C++
libraries : Retrofit,volley,gson,okhttp
Design : Material design, recycler view,cardview
used tools like crashlytics,amplitude
local storage : sqlite,realm(faster than sqlite)
Firebase, Social sdk integration(google, facebook, twitter etc) Worked with customer service sdk integration(helpshift)
Working experience with analytics and crash reporting tools like crashlytics, amplitude
Working experience with payment gateway integrations like paypal
Generating revenue using google admob
Experience working with git
Android Development Life Cycle
Worked with mvp, viewmodel architecture, live data
Worked with firebase database for android Worked with material design libraries, retrofit
Backend Knowledge with php,mysql
C/C++, Java,php,MySQL,Firebase Android SDK, Linux OS, Eclipse IDE, XML, JSON, Android Studio
Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, Mac OS
Tools and Technologies: Android SDK, Android Studio, Eclipse
Languages: Java, JavaScript, C/C++
libraries : Retrofit,volley,gson,okhttp
Design : Material design, recycler view,cardview
used tools like crashlytics,amplitude
local storage : sqlite,realm(faster than sqlite)
Firebase, Social sdk integration(google, facebook, twitter etc) Worked with customer service sdk integration(helpshift)
Top 20 at indahacks finals in fintech track
Hackerearth Mar, 2016
An app idea was selected to the indiahacks finals among the top 20. It was a customer friendly bill splitting app and was named myshare. The app was made in android with firebase backend.
See the link Fintech TOP 20
Fintech idea selected in techathon conducted by rapid value solutions and supported by nasscom,uber,kerala startup mission
RapidValue Solutions
Jan, 2016
got selected into the top 20 in this hackathon. The same idea got selected into indiahacks 2016 also
BTECH - IT Aug 2012 — Aug 2016
TIST, Arakkunnam, Kochi
I have been a passionate android developer ever since my college days itself and have been to a lot of hackathons and coding events(indiahacks 2016,techathon conducted by rapid value solutions and supported by nasscom,uber,kerala startup mission).
Reading tech blogs, reading android blogs, trying to be updated with android design patterns
References available upon request.
Hackerearth Mar, 2016
An app idea was selected to the indiahacks finals among the top 20. It was a customer friendly bill splitting app and was named myshare. The app was made in android with firebase backend.
See the link Fintech TOP 20
Fintech idea selected in techathon conducted by rapid value solutions and supported by nasscom,uber,kerala startup mission
RapidValue Solutions
Jan, 2016
got selected into the top 20 in this hackathon. The same idea got selected into indiahacks 2016 also
BTS Global Hackathon
My app idea - Agrodoc was selected into the finals of bts global hackathon, which is scheduled to be held on November 2019.AgroDoc is an Android Application that would allow farmers to treat their leaf diseases in a series of steps which are predefined in our system. We are using Tensorflow library(Machine Learning library) to detect plant disease. The farmers can use their smartphone to scan a particular plant leaf which they suspect for having a plant disease. We have generated custom retrained tensorflow models using the possible plant diseases. We then analyse the plant diseases, symptoms etc and then generate proper measures to improve plant health.
My app idea - Agrodoc was selected into the finals of bts global hackathon, which is scheduled to be held on November 2019.AgroDoc is an Android Application that would allow farmers to treat their leaf diseases in a series of steps which are predefined in our system. We are using Tensorflow library(Machine Learning library) to detect plant disease. The farmers can use their smartphone to scan a particular plant leaf which they suspect for having a plant disease. We have generated custom retrained tensorflow models using the possible plant diseases. We then analyse the plant diseases, symptoms etc and then generate proper measures to improve plant health.
BTECH - IT Aug 2012 — Aug 2016
TIST, Arakkunnam, Kochi
I have been a passionate android developer ever since my college days itself and have been to a lot of hackathons and coding events(indiahacks 2016,techathon conducted by rapid value solutions and supported by nasscom,uber,kerala startup mission).
Reading tech blogs, reading android blogs, trying to be updated with android design patterns
References available upon request.
Fun Quiz
The app provides a fun way of imparting some GK to you. The app cheers you with a momentary feedback using a GIF animation when you answer a question.Each quiz round consists of 10 questions, on completion of which you will receive a summarised total score based on your efforts. The app also includes a leaderboard so that you could compete against others.App Link :
Lottery Results, Vehicle Search applications
Integrated crashlytics for crash reporting, firebase analytics for analysing user activities
App Link :
App Link :
Fun Quiz
The app provides a fun way of imparting some GK to you. The app cheers you with a momentary feedback using a GIF animation when you answer a question.Each quiz round consists of 10 questions, on completion of which you will receive a summarised total score based on your efforts. The app also includes a leaderboard so that you could compete against others.App Link :
We Translate
We Translate is free translation and wiki search application. You can translate between
any two languages from a wide range of languages. You can now translate between two
languages seamlessly. Just type in the text to translate and get instantly translated text.
Some of the languages which are supported are french, spanish, russian, portuguese,
german, hindi, kannada, tamil, telugu, malayalam and many more. We also provide the
"copy to translate" feature. Using this feature you can directly get the the translation by just copying any text. As soon as you copy a text, the copy to translate widget pops up and
gives you the translation. By using this feature, you don't even need to open the app. So
you can copy any word or sentence while browsing, messaging, or reading news, to get
meaning instantaneously
App link -
App link -
Top Scholar Pro
The Top Scholar Pro app helps you prepare for your dream job interviews. The app is
bundled with a curated list of top questions spread across various categories. The
questions are presented in a quiz game pattern and provides you with four options. The
app enables you to preview the answers along with some explanation regarding the
App link -
App link -
Integrated crashlytics for crash reporting, firebase analytics for analysing user activities
App Link :
App Link :
Pebblework App
Pebblework is an android app which connects the employers with the right job seekers. The app provides an employer and a jobseeker login. The employers can post jobs and jobseekers can apply to these part time jobs in a hassle free manner.
App Link :
Blood Bank App
This app helps you to search various blood banks in India. It is optimised to work
offline as well. Helps you to identify blood banks near you as it helps to filter results using location
App Link :
Pebblework is an android app which connects the employers with the right job seekers. The app provides an employer and a jobseeker login. The employers can post jobs and jobseekers can apply to these part time jobs in a hassle free manner.
App Link :
Blood Bank App
This app helps you to search various blood banks in India. It is optimised to work
offline as well. Helps you to identify blood banks near you as it helps to filter results using location
App Link :